Survey FAQs

What is CB Insights?

How many surveys will I receive?

How long do surveys take to complete?

What are these prizes?

What is CB Insights?

  • It’s a way for us to get feedback from you so we can make improvements to your job search experience. As part of the panel, you'll receive an email inviting you to participate in our latest survey. Survey topics range from general job search topics to specific articles, videos or infographics we want your input on. We also may pick your brain about your use of and other career resources.
  • Every time you complete a survey, you'll be entered into our sweepstakes for some fantastic prizes.

How Many Surveys Will I Receive?

  • The number of surveys you’ll receive depends on the qualification criteria for each survey. We want to make sure we’re not bombarding you, while still giving you enough opportunities to participate and stay engaged.

How long do surveys take to complete?

  • We know your time is precious, so most of our surveys will take between 5-10 minutes tops. Occasionally, surveys may either take less or more time than the average.

What are these prizes?

  • For every survey you participate in, you'll receive an entry into our monthly sweepstakes, with prizes ranging from gift cards to iPads and more! If you participate in multiple surveys within the designated month, you'll receive an equivalent number of entries For example, if you participate in two surveys, you'll receive two entries in that month's sweepstakes. We will contact winners directly within two weeks after the sweepstake drawing.

What are some other ways I can help?

Here are some additional ways to share your insights!

User experience testing

  • Help us improve our products and services. We may ask you to try out a prototype program and get your feedback.
    Time commitment: 30 minutes – 1 hour
    Monetary compensation: Yes

To sign up, update your profile with your preferences and we will reach out when there’s an opportunity. Sign up now.

Focus groups

  • Engage in a discussion with your peers. A moderator will ask various questions, and you will be part of an interactive group discussion to follow.
    Time commitment: 1 hour
    Monetary compensation: Yes

To sign up, update your profile with your preferences and we will reach out when there’s an opportunity. Sign up now.

1:1 interviews

  • Sit down with a member of our team and give your opinions on our products, services, marketing efforts and other topics.
    Time commitment: 30 minutes – 1 hour
    Monetary compensation: Yes

To sign up, update your profile with your preferences and we will reach out when there’s an opportunity. Sign up now.